Today I would like to talk to you about a very Sacred subject.
Our connection to the Earth.
Our Mother.
When we are not grounded, not connected to Mother Earth. It throws our whole system out of balance.
Here is a list of symptoms that you may experience:
- Feeling light headed
- Being spaced out, or daydreaming, not being in the "Now"
- Inability to concentrate, focus
- Mood swings
- Being off balance, clumbsy
- Eyes flickering, seeing "chicken wire" over your eyes, eye strain
- Feeling like your sick, nausea
- Heart racing, abnormal heartbeat
- Static shock
- Wide spread pain, including but not limited to, back pain, should strain.
- Migraines, being sensitive to light and sound
- Forgetfulness (this is a big one for me, coconut oil helps with this)
- Coming up with brilliant ideas, but they never come to fruition.
- Trouble manifesting, unbalanced manifestation, fear based manifestation (not getting the results you want)
- Trouble meditating, falling asleep, or just unable to go into deep meditation (get to your sweet spot)
- Weight gain
Some of the more serious symptoms of not being grounded are:
- Calcification of bones (Osteoporosis)
- Manifestation of dis-ease in vulnerable organs
You can experience one or many of these symptoms at once!!!
There are some simple yet effective ways to ground yourself and restore balance to your body, mind, and soul.
- Go into nature and place your bare feet on the soil, feel the spirit of The Earth,
- Watch the animal spirits, know that you are one with the animals and the earth.
- Commune with the trees, talk to them and listen to there wisdom. Receive the energy of the trees, and the energy of mother earth. Return you energy back to them.
- Go to the beach, water is a excellent grounder. When the ocean hits your feet you can feel the tension melt away. The pool or the shower works well too.
- do grounding visualizations, where you picture roots growing from your feet and rood chakra. picture all of the negative energy, leaving you and traveling down your roots. Into the Earth where it can be properly grounded.
This is why our Native people were so connected, so Enlightened. Because they had not lost there connection to Great Mother (Earth) and Great Spirit (Grandfather).
Now I would like to tell you how i ground <3
I go to my chosen grounding location (preferably barefooted under my Sycamore tree.) I stand with my feet shoulder width apart. Close my eyes and visualize beautiful roots growing into the Earth, from my Root Chakra, located at the base of my spine, and from my feet. I ask "Mother Earth may I please place my roots in her soil". She says "Yes". Now I visualize my roots growing deeper and deeper into the Earth. As they grow I visualize all of the negativity from my being and my many lifes as well as all things that no longer serve my highest good and the highest good of all of Humanity, to flow into the Earth where it can be properly grounded. Now I visualize a beautiful silver energetic cord coming from my Root Chakra. I visualize this beautiful silver energetic cord going deep, deep, deep, down to the very center of the Earth. Where it hooks to the Very Center of the Earth with a beautiful silver hook. Now I ask the Earth "Mother Gaia to allow me to receive the Vital Grounding Energy from Earth". I see this beautiful silver energy coming up your silver energetic cord, climbing upward and upwards, up past my roots and entering my Root Chakra at the Base of your spine. As this Energy enters my body I see it Balancing all of my 7 main Chakras. From my Root Chakra all the way to my Crown. I see each of the Chakras opened and balanced. I visualize my energetic body flowing with Warm, Balancing, Nurturing, Mother Earth Energy. And as I see my body become filled to full capacity with the Mother Energy, I visualize My Self being Healed and my DNA being fully activated. I say out load "By the Sacred Energy I Am Healed, Body, Mind, and Soul. I Am Whole".
Then I say "Thank you Great Mother Earth and Grandfather Spirit. I Am Eternally Greatful"
Photo Manipulations by Barbara Florczyk
Blue Lunar Nite
I hope you enjoyed this article, there will be many more to come.
If anyone has any questions about this post or any others, please feel free to comment below. I will do my best to answer them.
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