Tuesday, November 8, 2016

🔥Rising from my own ashes,  I am Rebirthed,Metamorphosed into my Highest Version of Self. Cleansed in my own blood. I am Transformation at work.🔥

🔥I Am a Soul on fire, and from this Fire I am Reborn.🔥

🔥I Am The Phoenix Rising.🔥

🍃Let go of your humanly ways,  let go of your anger and pain.  Let go of past traumatic patterns,  from all your life times.  As the emotions arise feel them,  see if there is anything more to be learned from these emotions, then release them.  The Universe is asking US to LET GO.  Asking US to TRUST in her mighty hands.  Soooooo.... just let gooooo,  let go of the addictions, and afflictions,  that's holding you back.  Let go of the Dis-Ease and the lack.  Let go of anger,  fear,  jealousy, and grief,  the mistrust, the blood lust,  and the blame.  Let go of the whole Matrix Game.  Tell them thank them for being your companion on this plain.  then tell them they are no longer needed,  and send them on there way, release them from your reality. They do not serve you anymore. Forgive yourself and all others.  Let go of the Judgement, it causes to much pain.  What we judge we become.  So we are one in the same.  Just LET GO of all the dence energy,  all that negitive karma and the emotional baggage, that's weighing you down.  Just Let everything go and trust your Mother Universe.  Give it all to her, so she can transmute it.  We must release all the Fear! That is why we are here, that's why Great Mother is here. To end the 3D suffering. Here for our Rebirth.  Turn all of this newly found heart space into unlimited infinite potentialities!  Your new life is waiting for you🍃

🔥From the crumbled ashes we are born.  And to the Stars we shall return.  We Are The Phoenix Rising.🔥

Can we all please say this together now???

"I surrender to you O' Great Universe,  I let go of the humanly wants, desires and needs, I let go of the trauma,  the pain and the greed. I release all Fear,  and all the judgement the same. I let go of any and all self limiting beliefs. And replace them with unlimited possibilities in my life🍃

🌋I Am Cleansed in your ashes. Re;birthed from your dirt🌋

For I Am Worthy,
I Am Loved,
I Am Forgiven,
I Am Free.

I am who I was sent here to be.

So mote it be. 🙏

Then you will see,  we are already on the New Earth.  This is Heaven on Earth.  All you have to do is lift the Veil,  and then you will see Heaven metamorphosed from the ashes of hell.

Much Love and Infinite Potentialities,  FAM 🌈🙏🌈

Friday, October 14, 2016

Today I would like to talk to you about a very Sacred subject.  
Our connection to the Earth.
Our Mother.

     When we are not grounded, not connected to Mother Earth. It throws our whole system out of              balance.

 Here is a list of symptoms that you may experience:

  • Feeling light headed
  • Being spaced out, or daydreaming, not being in the "Now" 
  • Inability to concentrate, focus
  • Mood swings
  • Being off balance, clumbsy
  • Eyes flickering, seeing "chicken wire" over your eyes, eye strain
  • Feeling like your sick, nausea
  • Heart racing, abnormal heartbeat
  • Static shock 
  • Wide spread pain, including but not limited to, back pain, should strain.
  • Migraines, being sensitive to light and sound
  • Forgetfulness (this is a big one for me, coconut oil helps with this)  
  • Coming up with brilliant ideas, but they never come to fruition.
  • Trouble manifesting, unbalanced manifestation, fear based manifestation (not getting the results you want)
  • Trouble meditating, falling asleep, or just unable to go into deep meditation (get to your sweet spot)
  • Weight gain

Some of the more serious symptoms of not being grounded are:

  • Calcification of bones (Osteoporosis)
  • Manifestation of dis-ease in vulnerable organs

You can experience one or many of these symptoms at once!!!

There are some simple yet effective ways to ground yourself and restore balance to your body, mind, and soul.

  • Go into nature and place your bare feet on the soil, feel the spirit of The Earth,
  • Watch the animal spirits, know that you are one with the animals and the earth.
  • Commune with the trees, talk to them and listen to there wisdom. Receive the energy of the trees, and the energy of mother earth. Return you energy back to them.
  • Go to the beach, water is a excellent grounder. When the ocean hits your feet you can feel the tension melt away. The pool or the shower works well too.
  • do grounding visualizations, where you picture roots growing from your feet and rood chakra. picture all of the negative energy, leaving you and traveling down your roots. Into the Earth where it can be properly grounded.

This is why our Native people were so connected, so Enlightened. Because they had not lost there connection to Great Mother (Earth) and Great Spirit (Grandfather).

Now I would like to tell you how i ground <3

I go to my chosen grounding location (preferably barefooted under my Sycamore tree.)   I stand with my feet shoulder width apart. Close my eyes and visualize beautiful roots growing into the Earth, from my Root Chakra, located at the base of my spine, and from my feet.  I ask "Mother Earth may I please place my roots in her soil". She says "Yes". Now I visualize my roots growing deeper and deeper into the Earth. As they grow I visualize all of the negativity from my being and my many lifes as well as all things that no longer serve my highest good and the highest good of all of Humanity,  to flow into the Earth where it can be properly  grounded. Now I  visualize a beautiful silver energetic cord coming from my Root Chakra. I visualize this beautiful silver energetic cord going deep, deep, deep, down to the very center of the Earth. Where it hooks to the Very Center of the Earth with a beautiful silver hook. Now I ask the Earth "Mother Gaia to allow me to receive the Vital Grounding Energy from Earth". I see this beautiful silver energy coming up your silver energetic cord, climbing upward and upwards, up past my roots and entering my Root Chakra at the Base of your spine. As this Energy enters my body I see it Balancing all of my 7 main Chakras. From my Root Chakra all the way to my Crown. I see each of the Chakras opened and balanced. I visualize my energetic body flowing with Warm, Balancing, Nurturing, Mother Earth Energy. And as I see my body become filled to full capacity with the Mother Energy, I visualize My Self being Healed and my DNA being fully activated. I say out load "By the Sacred Energy I Am Healed, Body, Mind, and Soul. I Am Whole".
Then I say "Thank you Great Mother Earth and Grandfather Spirit. I Am Eternally Greatful"

                                            Photo Manipulations by Barbara Florczyk

"So mote it be, and so it is."

Blue Lunar Nite

I hope you enjoyed this article, there will be many more to come.
If anyone has any questions about this post or any others, please feel free to comment below. I will do my best to answer them.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


First of all I would like to say thank you to all of the souls checking  out my blog  today.  I am writing this article to tell everyone what my blog about and a little about myself.

I Am Danielle Tharp, my spiritual name is Blue Lunar Nite. I Am a Rainbow Warrior.

The Rainbow Warriors Prophecy speaks of a time,

" When the Earth is sick and dieing, and the birds are falling out of the sky,
a new Tribe will emerge, this Tribe of many colors, will be made up of
all races, creeds, colors, and religions. They are sent here to teach Humanity
how to Communicate with Great Spirit (Grandfather)
 and Connect with Great Mother (Earth) ounce agian.
This New Tribe will be know as The Warriors of the Rainbow"

Cree and Hopi Prophecy of the warriors of the rainbow .

That is exactly what this page is about.

Here I will write about ways to connect with the source(Higher Power).
wether it through mindfullness meditation, grounding, the medicine wheel, visaulizations, chanting, yoga, channeled writing, or prayer.

Here I will teach the ancient  ways to the new age.

I am sure some of you are wondering by this piont, what exactly is The Red Road?

 Wikipedia Defines The Red Road as:
The red road is a modern, English-language concept of the right path of life, as inspired by some of the beliefs found in a variety of Native American spiritual teachings. The term is used primarily in the Pan-Indian and New Age communities, and rarely among traditional Indigenous people, who have terms in their own languages for their spiritual ways. Native Americans' spiritual teachings are diverse. While some peoples share common elements in their beliefs, the cultures are highly individualized. The ceremonies and many of the beliefs are unique to the people of these diverse bands, tribes and nations.

To me Walking The Red Road is so much more than that. The Red Road is the spiritual path, knowing that all things in the Universe were created by Great Spirit, and that all things are connected. When you walk The Red Road, you walk hand in hand with  Great Spirit. Knowing that you are one with all that is.  To walk the Red Road is to know you will one day cross over to the Spirit World and you will not be afraid.

I will end this article with this.

Black Elk's Prayer for All Life

"Hear me, four quarters of the world--a relative I am! Give me the strength to walk the soft earth, a relative to all that is! Give me the eyes to see and the strength to understand, that I may be like you. With your power only can I face the winds.
Great Spirit, Great Spirit, my Grandfather, all over the earth the faces of living things are all alike. With tenderness have these come up out of the ground. Look upon these faces of children without number and with children in their arms, that they may face the wind and walk the good road to the day of quiet.
This is my prayer; hear me now!"

This is Blue Lunar Night signing off, until tomorrow.


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Why you should never judge others. 

It is easy to look at others lives from afar and make simple assumptions about their lives. We often forget that we have no personal insight into their true lives and what has transpired prior to the point in their life where what we are witnessing as occurred. 

Why you should not to judge others

 1. Deceptive Façade
I am a book lover and I have a tendency of buying books just because I liked the cover. And many of us do that, ‘this looks pretty, let’s buy it’. Even the food we consume should soothe the eyes before it touches the tongue and do any good for the body. Visual senses in most people are more developed than the other senses. But have you heard of the phrase, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? And are we applying it our lives? Most of us try, but fail. Every time you find yourself judging someone because the person or scenario is incomprehensible for you, try asking, ‘Do I know the full facts of the situation?’ or ‘Will I react like this if faced with a similar situation?’. The answer you will receive might intrigue to initially, but it will set you free.
 2. Karmic paths
The theory of karma believes that we are all here to fulfill our karmic debts by doing good or bad and in the process learn or overcome thoughts, beliefs and desires we need to know or let go off. Our neighbor, the teacher, the boss, your partner or your close friend, even your dog, we are all on different paths to fulfill the karmic obligations we have got ourselves into and with the help of acts we are performing, we are setting ourselves free from the karmic ties. Don’t judge because you are not on the same path. A prostitute who worships God in the day is better than a priest who is in the temple, but thinks of all the evil possible. His karmic path might be different than that of the prostitute but both are working their way to perform the actions they were sent here to perform.
3. Complete story
In most of the cases you will find yourself judging when you do not know the complete story. Let me share a story here, once an old man lived in a village with a white horse and his son. He never sold the horse even after high amounts were offered to him. And one day the horse disappeared, everybody told the old man that he was a fool to not sell it now the horse had been stolen. The old man asked them not to judge, but to just say the horse is not here. Then the horse came back with 12 others horses. People said to him that he was right & lucky to have 12 more horses now. Again the old man asked them not to judge & just say the horse is back with 12 others horses. His son trained the horses and one day he fell to break his leg. The people of the village again judged and said to the old man that his only son will not be any good for him, he is poorer than before. Again the old man asked them not to judge & just say that his son has lost a leg. The country went on a war and all the men were forced to join the army only the old man’s son was left. People wept for their sons and told the old man he is lucky he had his son with him. Again the old man asked them not to judge just said his son is with him. The moral of the story is, life comes in fragments and it is best we do not judge others or ourselves in various situations.
4. Human tendencies
For years we have fed our mind with the difference between good and bad, ugly and beautiful. Our mind has accustomed itself to things that were fed into it. So when we look at others and feel she/he is right in doing this and wrong in doing that, we are actually looking at them with the frame of tendencies we wore when we were born. It is like a mirror. The image we form of others is the image we have of ourselves. Whenever we find ourselves critical of someone or some situation, we should remind ourselves we are looking at a mirror. Jung talks about archetypes in such situations where we project our alter ego on someone else, the things we want to do but cannot due to societal pressure. When we find someone else doing what we like, but we can’t do, we form a judgment about them. So may be for someone smoking is an ill and when they see others doing that, they assume them to be non-conformist, evil and immoral. Whereas that is something they want to give a try themselves.

Signs of Emotional Intelligent Person

  1. The right words
We have people struggling at every level of their lives and all they really seek is support in terms of kindness and politeness. If you come across someone who knows exactly what to say in a situation where others would be at a loss of words, you know you have spotted a person with high EQ. Usually people are aware of certain words to describe their or others emotions, for example: If one is happy, they will just use words like joy, happiness etc. but a high EQ person would use terms like enjoyment, proud, successful, top of the world, perfection, I love myself, etc. There words are a way for them to tap into the correct name for specific emotions, which further enhances the feeling. We might just not know a name for a specific emotion and tag it as good or bad, which leads to misunderstanding of emotions, conflicts and irrational choices
2. The art of listening
Have you heard of the phrase, “We listen to react not to respond” There is a vital difference between the two terms: react and respond. While one stems from aggression the other stems from compassion. Emotionally intelligent people will always be good listeners and motivators. If you have a friend who is known to be a good listener, will not judge you and also encourage you at the same time, chances are he/she is high on EQ. With the power of the right words and the patience to listen, these people come across as angels to everyone around them.
3. Sorted in themselves
Yes, these people are the most sorted individuals. They know about their past, they completely acknowledge it and have put it down with peace. They know that there is nothing that can be done about it and they need to let it go. The main problem we often face is, our inability to let go off things that are not working for us because we have a special attachment to them, but high EQ-ed people would have many closed chapters with total ease. Also, they know there is no reason to worry about the future because it is out of their control. They believe in living in the present, as this is all that there is to life. And why not? This is a great attitude, to be right here, right now.
4. Look and tell
One of the greatest signs of an emotionally intelligent individual is that during a conversation they can look at other people and tell what they are thinking and what they are feeling. Yes and this is not a clairvoyant technique, all you have to do is be in tune with your emotional state and a high EQ-ed person is well in control of his/her emotions. They do not confuse disgust with embarrassment, shyness with impoliteness or happiness with flirtatiousness. When we know what the other person is going through or feeling, we know what to say to make it right and that is one of the traits of high emotionally intelligent person.
5. Let it go
Someone who knows how the emotions work and understand that they might be uncontrollable sometimes would never make it a point to make a mountain out of a molehill. Such people overlook mistakes and let it go. You can say that they are more emotionally rational and know when to alienate themselves as well others from a wrong act. Unlike others, holding grudges is not something a high EQ-ed person is good at. He/she knows when to hold on to the emotions and when it times to let go off them and start with a new page. Small mistakes of people around them are a negligible affair & they do not even bring it up.
6. Positively motivate
Yet another sign of emotional stable people is, they are self-motivated without a cause and they do not need to be reminded that they should be high on life. The self-negating thoughts creep in everyone’s mind, but they know that these are all unnecessary voices and they can alienate the facts from emotions. Their ability to differentiate between their achievements and snarling remarks of people around them, makes them a winner in their life without a doubt. People will always have something to say about other’s achievements or things they do, but a true winner is someone who overlooks such remarks and tune such people out of their lives.
7. Take care
Lastly, these people value life more than anything else and considers it as a gift, therefore they never deprive themselves of sleep and are usually regular on exercising or yoga or meditation. Sleep is an integral part of rejuvenation process and unlike others, they do not take this activity for granted. When we eat and sleep properly our body functions with ease without brain fog, mental confusion, low energy or lack of attention towards everyday tasks. Therefore, such people associate with a healthier life patterns and love to take it easy.