Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Rainbow Roads

One walks various roads day to day. Rain, snow, sleet and sun the day goes on bringing emotion, direction. One stops to think over and over again slow down the roads are winding, back and forth We ride causally as the sun shines. The roads become color32

Sunday, January 22, 2017


An illusion must first be evaluated, serious mindful calculations, tactical nerve, and a universal display of Chayyaa shall open the mind onto blessed pathways32

Thursday, January 19, 2017


I arise every morning with a reminder from the cabnit , a reminder that the sun is no longer searching for life. We the youthful, beautiful, strong, compassionat, united to serious A.B.C. and back, will concur this land in the name of Iris, in the name of Horus, in the name of Osris. Egypt is life, praying to Shiva is life. Mindfulness is now life. You have the opportunity to create yourself in the name of Amon. The creator sees you.  Stay fly my friends we Ride West today.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Electric Fields and snow crystals

Electric Fields And Snow Crystals 

Snow crystals are ice crystals  grown from water vapor in the air and the varied forms they take.
Nakaya diagram

Field causes a split then parallel growth

In 1611 a book was released by Johannes Kepler titled , ” A New Years Gift of Hexagonal Snowflakes.” Kepler argued the hexagonal shape of snow crystals had to do with the packing of spheres. This led to Keplers famous conjecture on the densest possible filling of space by spheres. A very intriguing theory. By 1635 Renee Descartes made the most detailed observations of his time. 300 years later, Wilson Bently and William Humphreys came to make the most detailed depiction of their time, a book titled “snow crystals” in 1932 Hokkaido Japan, Nuclear Physcist Ukichiro Nakaya after being captivated by “Snow Crystals” the book. He began his own research with students that led to the  nakaya diagram. With over 3,000 photographs he classified into 40 morphological groups. He states, ” the shapes are a result of the temperature and super-saturation of the atmosphere through which the crystals moved.”(1)
You can gather data about the atmosphere it was made in by making observations on the ground of its morphology. such as temperature and humidity which are main factors in snow crystal formation. The diagram shows the basic physics associated with the principal dynamic shape transitions. Depending on temperature of growth. Forms at small super saturation. are hexagonal plates or prisms.
A crystals facets reflect the symmetry of the underlying crystal structure. Surface energy of the forementioned is variant to the sum of all the bonds broken per unit area during the creation of its surface by cleavage. When  crystal grows it receives molecules from the vapor phase. If it is molecularly rough it will find a ready place for incorporation. If it is a facet it diffuses along the facet until it finds a ledge,corner, or edge to attach to. It can meetup with other molecules and create expanding columns on the surface. it can also detach and return to vapor state.

Electric fields and snowflakes
 Electric fields influence the way water molecules diffuse through the air in the vicinity of the ice surface. If we charge a growing crystal, then electrostatics purports that strong electric fields will be set up around the crystal. The fields and gradients will be strong near any sharp points on the crystal.In  experiments crystals actually formed electric needles that formed out of the tips while some actually split and replicated.. In other dendrites symmetrical growths formed when voltages were applied.(2)
please follow this link for more information and extensive details. on this particular study.
(2) http://www.its.caltech.edu/~atomic/snowcrystals/electric/electric.html
(1) http://culter.colorado.edu/~kittel/Snow&IceCrystals_PhysTday_Furukawad07.pdf


🌈A'ho, Namaste, and Infinite Blessings Tribe🌈

We are currently looking for spiritual writers/collaborators for this website www.walkingtheredroadtogether.blogspot.com. My vision for this site is a strong group of spiritual collaborators that are from all different walks of life(different paths), different regions, countries, different religions, different perspectives. All coming together for the good of Our Planet(Mother Gaia), and the good of The Human Race. In a non judgmental, caring environment, where infinite spiritual growth is possible.

The Red Road is the Native American road to Spirituality, or the Journey Within Ones-Self and you see "we are all simply walking each other home(back to our own souls)."

If you are interested please contact me on here, on my Facebook page Danielle Nichole Tharp or @ bluelunarnite@gmail.com

Happy Son-day All!!!


In Lakesh Ala Kin, I Am Another You

Be sure to follow us on Google+ to see all of the divine light to come!!!

I Am Truly Honored!!! Thank you for the Amazing response on this Light Tribe, I Am Forever Grateful Great Spirit!!!🌈🐍🌈

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

πŸ”₯Rising from my own ashes,  I am Rebirthed,Metamorphosed into my Highest Version of Self. Cleansed in my own blood. I am Transformation at work.πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯I Am a Soul on fire, and from this Fire I am Reborn.πŸ”₯

πŸ”₯I Am The Phoenix Rising.πŸ”₯

πŸƒLet go of your humanly ways,  let go of your anger and pain.  Let go of past traumatic patterns,  from all your life times.  As the emotions arise feel them,  see if there is anything more to be learned from these emotions, then release them.  The Universe is asking US to LET GO.  Asking US to TRUST in her mighty hands.  Soooooo.... just let gooooo,  let go of the addictions, and afflictions,  that's holding you back.  Let go of the Dis-Ease and the lack.  Let go of anger,  fear,  jealousy, and grief,  the mistrust, the blood lust,  and the blame.  Let go of the whole Matrix Game.  Tell them thank them for being your companion on this plain.  then tell them they are no longer needed,  and send them on there way, release them from your reality. They do not serve you anymore. Forgive yourself and all others.  Let go of the Judgement, it causes to much pain.  What we judge we become.  So we are one in the same.  Just LET GO of all the dence energy,  all that negitive karma and the emotional baggage, that's weighing you down.  Just Let everything go and trust your Mother Universe.  Give it all to her, so she can transmute it.  We must release all the Fear! That is why we are here, that's why Great Mother is here. To end the 3D suffering. Here for our Rebirth.  Turn all of this newly found heart space into unlimited infinite potentialities!  Your new life is waiting for youπŸƒ

πŸ”₯From the crumbled ashes we are born.  And to the Stars we shall return.  We Are The Phoenix Rising.πŸ”₯

Can we all please say this together now???

"I surrender to you O' Great Universe,  I let go of the humanly wants, desires and needs, I let go of the trauma,  the pain and the greed. I release all Fear,  and all the judgement the same. I let go of any and all self limiting beliefs. And replace them with unlimited possibilities in my lifeπŸƒ

πŸŒ‹I Am Cleansed in your ashes. Re;birthed from your dirtπŸŒ‹

For I Am Worthy,
I Am Loved,
I Am Forgiven,
I Am Free.

I am who I was sent here to be.

So mote it be. πŸ™

Then you will see,  we are already on the New Earth.  This is Heaven on Earth.  All you have to do is lift the Veil,  and then you will see Heaven metamorphosed from the ashes of hell.

Much Love and Infinite Potentialities,  FAM πŸŒˆπŸ™πŸŒˆ

Friday, October 14, 2016

Today I would like to talk to you about a very Sacred subject.  
Our connection to the Earth.
Our Mother.

     When we are not grounded, not connected to Mother Earth. It throws our whole system out of              balance.

 Here is a list of symptoms that you may experience:

  • Feeling light headed
  • Being spaced out, or daydreaming, not being in the "Now" 
  • Inability to concentrate, focus
  • Mood swings
  • Being off balance, clumbsy
  • Eyes flickering, seeing "chicken wire" over your eyes, eye strain
  • Feeling like your sick, nausea
  • Heart racing, abnormal heartbeat
  • Static shock 
  • Wide spread pain, including but not limited to, back pain, should strain.
  • Migraines, being sensitive to light and sound
  • Forgetfulness (this is a big one for me, coconut oil helps with this)  
  • Coming up with brilliant ideas, but they never come to fruition.
  • Trouble manifesting, unbalanced manifestation, fear based manifestation (not getting the results you want)
  • Trouble meditating, falling asleep, or just unable to go into deep meditation (get to your sweet spot)
  • Weight gain

Some of the more serious symptoms of not being grounded are:

  • Calcification of bones (Osteoporosis)
  • Manifestation of dis-ease in vulnerable organs

You can experience one or many of these symptoms at once!!!

There are some simple yet effective ways to ground yourself and restore balance to your body, mind, and soul.

  • Go into nature and place your bare feet on the soil, feel the spirit of The Earth,
  • Watch the animal spirits, know that you are one with the animals and the earth.
  • Commune with the trees, talk to them and listen to there wisdom. Receive the energy of the trees, and the energy of mother earth. Return you energy back to them.
  • Go to the beach, water is a excellent grounder. When the ocean hits your feet you can feel the tension melt away. The pool or the shower works well too.
  • do grounding visualizations, where you picture roots growing from your feet and rood chakra. picture all of the negative energy, leaving you and traveling down your roots. Into the Earth where it can be properly grounded.

This is why our Native people were so connected, so Enlightened. Because they had not lost there connection to Great Mother (Earth) and Great Spirit (Grandfather).

Now I would like to tell you how i ground <3

I go to my chosen grounding location (preferably barefooted under my Sycamore tree.)   I stand with my feet shoulder width apart. Close my eyes and visualize beautiful roots growing into the Earth, from my Root Chakra, located at the base of my spine, and from my feet.  I ask "Mother Earth may I please place my roots in her soil". She says "Yes". Now I visualize my roots growing deeper and deeper into the Earth. As they grow I visualize all of the negativity from my being and my many lifes as well as all things that no longer serve my highest good and the highest good of all of Humanity,  to flow into the Earth where it can be properly  grounded. Now I  visualize a beautiful silver energetic cord coming from my Root Chakra. I visualize this beautiful silver energetic cord going deep, deep, deep, down to the very center of the Earth. Where it hooks to the Very Center of the Earth with a beautiful silver hook. Now I ask the Earth "Mother Gaia to allow me to receive the Vital Grounding Energy from Earth". I see this beautiful silver energy coming up your silver energetic cord, climbing upward and upwards, up past my roots and entering my Root Chakra at the Base of your spine. As this Energy enters my body I see it Balancing all of my 7 main Chakras. From my Root Chakra all the way to my Crown. I see each of the Chakras opened and balanced. I visualize my energetic body flowing with Warm, Balancing, Nurturing, Mother Earth Energy. And as I see my body become filled to full capacity with the Mother Energy, I visualize My Self being Healed and my DNA being fully activated. I say out load "By the Sacred Energy I Am Healed, Body, Mind, and Soul. I Am Whole".
Then I say "Thank you Great Mother Earth and Grandfather Spirit. I Am Eternally Greatful"

                                            Photo Manipulations by Barbara Florczyk

"So mote it be, and so it is."

Blue Lunar Nite

I hope you enjoyed this article, there will be many more to come.
If anyone has any questions about this post or any others, please feel free to comment below. I will do my best to answer them.